Fire Risk Assessments are the starting point for businesses to understand their fire safety risks and how to plan to deal with these.
The key legislation is the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and this places duties on the 'responsible person' at any given premises. Indeed, if your business has more than 5 employees then there is also the legal duty for the Fire Risk Assessment to be a written document.
We know that it can be an incredibly daunting task for any business owner to look at their premises and to try to work out a proper and fair assessment of the fire risks and the plans to deal with those. This is particularly true if you have limited experience in fire safety. This is why we are able to offer a professional service in preparing Fire Risk Assessments for your business, which are specific to your particular premises and circumstances. The process is really simple and involves little effort on your part.
Firstly, if you get in touch with us here at Right Action, we will ask for a few details from you so that we can understand your location, business type, size and current fire safety arrangements.
Then, once we have got this information, we contact one of our panel of professional Fire Risk Assessors. Given our history and experience within the industry, we are confident that we will be able to locate a suitable Fire Risk Assessor ideal for your needs and specialist in your business type and size.
An introduction would be made, and this Risk Assessor would then be able to get in touch directly with you to arrange for surveys, quotes and taking the job through to completion.
FREE Fire Equipment Check
One click here will
start the process of a
FREE & unbiased check
of all the fire & safety
equipment within your

Fire Risk Assessments are crucial but using our contacts and expertise means that they don't have to be all hassle for you. Take the Right Action and call our approachable team on 01724 747230.
Alternatively, please fill in the Contact Form and we will be back in touch with you very soon.